Monday, 22 July 2019

SQL Server : Stored Procedures Ignore User’s Permissions

According to this MSDN documentation :

Stored procedures take advantage of ownership chaining to provide access to data so that users do not need to have explicit permission to access database objects. An ownership chain exists when objects that access each other sequentially are owned by the same user. For example, a stored procedure can call other stored procedures, or a stored procedure can access multiple tables. If all objects in the chain of execution have the same owner, then SQL Server only checks the EXECUTE permission for the caller, not the caller’s permissions on other objects. Therefore you need to grant only EXECUTE permissions on stored procedures; you can revoke or deny all permissions on the underlying tables.

I've came across a situation where proc was having insert statement and user had just read access however user was still able to run proc. Obviously, it has execute on proc but no insert on underlying table. 

The Bottom Line!

If you are working with sensitive data, be aware that your users may still be able to access that data via stored procedures, even if you have explicitly given DENY permission on your sensitive tables.

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